3D Printed Lights

When I bought a 3D printer I wasn't too sure what I would use it for. That was until shortly after I found that making lights is not only practical but allows for so much creativity when it comes to design. I have experimented with many different types of lights including table lamps, pendant lights, and puck lights. I make the shade and base while using commonly available LED bulbs and sockets. Through experimentation, I developed some textures that turned out beautifully while also learning and creating designs for mass production. The models are made in Rhino using Grasshopper and printed on a Prusa Mini. The material is a translucent PETG plastic which delivers an almost organic aesthetic. Below you can find some final designs that I've come up with and look forward to possibly commercializing.

Wavy Table Lamp

Table Lamp On
Rim Detail Off

Dining Table Pendant Light

Big Pendant

Little Ripply Pendant Light

Small Pendant Offset
Small Pendant Zoomed

Orb Light

Orb Offset On
Orb Offset Off

How It's Made

1. Modelling in Rhino

After coming up with an idea for a design, it needs to be modelled in CAD. These artistic designs involve many complex shapes and surfaces which requires visual programming. Grasshopper integrates into Rhino and can create generative algorithms to output 3D geometries. It is used to achieve the textures on these lights that can be mesmerizing to look at. The base of these designs is a more mechanical component that integrates into the shade. SolidWorks is used to model the components that don't need complex textures.


2. Slice the model using PrusaSlicer

Once the model is finalized, it gets exported to .stl and opened in the PrusaSlicer. The Prusa Mini is the 3D printer used to create these designs. The slicer takes a solid geometry and splits or slices it into layers for the printers to create one at a time. Many printing parameters that can be modified in the slicer to improve the final product. After slicing, a .gcode file is exported which is just a set of instructions for the 3d printer to follow. This includes a series of coordinates to output the desired shape.


3. Print

The next step is to provide the Prusa Mini with the .gcode file. This is an FDM 3D printer that extrudes a filament of plastic through a heated nozzle. This melts the plastic as the nozzle head moves creating lines and layers of plastic. Printing often takes 15 hours or more and things can go wrong along the way. Common issues include thin strings of filament attached to the part as well as flat edges curling up from the printbed. This is why testing was done with different filaments, colours, and print parameters to achieve the best possible result.

Prusa Printer No BG

4. Assemble

The last step is to put the light, base, and shade all together. Enjoy!

Light Unassembled No BG
Orb Centered On